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New Education Support Center

The New Educational Support Center is the seat of Beaumont Unified School District, and is divided into two unique buildings. The first building totaling 30,480 SF is a metal-stud frame structure that contains the main entry, lobby, board room, District Superintendent’s Office, Personnel Services Department, Instructional Support Services Department and a portion of the Business Services Department. The second building contains the remaining Business Services Department, Maintenance & Operations, Technology Department, Child Nutrition, and Facilities. The second building is 22,100 SF, is masonry construction, and features a large adjacent service yard. With this New Educational Support Center, the District is able to develop highly effective, efficient and quality-driven programs to support the development of its students. 

Client / Owner

Project Facts

Beaumont Unified School District

Project Location

Beaumont Unified School District

Architect           Larry Buoncristiani, RA

Firm PIC            Godwin Osifeso, RA, LEED AP

DSA No.            04-110854

Est. Value          $ 8,280,625

Bid Value           $ 10,666,210

Final Value        $ 10,906,946

Start                   Feb 11, 2010

Completion       Jun 19, 2015

Related Project Categories

New Campus/Facility
District Facilities
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