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2010 Facilities Transformation/Vision Plan

Working closely with the teachers, parents, school administrators, staff and district officers, GOAI developed the Beaumont Unified School District’s current Facilities Master Plan (FMP), also known as the Facilities Transformation/Vision Plan. The FMP is a living document that illustrates the current condition of each school, and provides recommendation for future development of each campus, as well as a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) cost list. The FMP is intended to be periodically revised and updated to remain current and to continue to accurately reflect the needs and desires of the entire school community. As a part of this FMP, GOAI provided preliminary designs for a Super K-8 school that would support the community as the Beaumont’s West Side becomes further developed with housing and commerce.

Client / Owner

Project Facts

Beaumont Unified School District

Project Location

Beaumont Unified School District

Architect           Larry Buoncristiani, RA

Firm PIC            Godwin Osifeso, RA, LEED AP

Start                   Apr 30, 2010

Completion       Oct 31, 2010

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Master Planning
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